Movement, bodywork and yoga to reconnect mind and body

In a world where it is all too easy to become disconnected, we are beginning to understand how valuable movement and bodywork practices can be when it comes to reconnecting our body and mind. Whether approached through yoga or somatic movement, as human beings with a diverse set of lived experiences, we all serve to benefit from different ways of connecting to our bodies.

For many of us, yoga is often the gateway to other movement practices that integrate the body and mind. And while yoga incorporates somatic practices, somatic movement approaches the body from a deeper, broader, and more personal perspective.

That is not to say that you should choose one over the other! Somatic movement is a great accompaniment to yoga, and will support and inform your practice with new insight into the felt experience of the body through the shapes you create.

Somatic MovementYoga

Book a free consultation call

If you’re unsure which movement practice is most suited to your individual needs, please reach out to arrange a free 30 minute consultation. This allows us to talk about I can best support you (or your patients/clients if you’re a clinician). Consultations are confidential and you are under no obligation to move forward.